April 2, 2012

To Keep Your Life Bright: Keep Your Body Healthy, Your Foods Colorful and Your Teeth White

On the last day of 2010, when the clock stroke midnight, Sicilians would have consumed lasagna as it brings luck, Italians would have prepared a dish with lentils as they are shaped like coins and symbolize a wealthy new beginning, Armenians would have eaten original pastries to sweeten the year, Greeks would have baked bread with a buried coin in the dough for prosperity, Chinese would have adorned every front door with a fresh coat of red paint, as the red color denotes luck and happiness and in Spain they would have eaten twelve grapes as each grape would bring luck for each month of the year.

The tradition of development new year resolutions dates back 4000 years when Babylonians began the resolution of returning something they had borrowed from man during the previous year. Today, the most favorite new year resolutions are: to lose weight, to quit smoking and to start a better relationship. Unfortunately, most population fail at these attempts because of the pressure they put on themselves to perform it all.

A festive holiday season must involve eating and drinking, two paramount repetitive activities, that can cause havoc on our bodies and our teeth. However, come New Year's Eve the time to make resolutions, we look for absolution of these slight guilty pleasures rather than focusing on the positive. With the right foods, and healthier habits, in time you can come to be a happier version of you. An at home teeth whitening ideas will help your teeth stay white and wholesome looking so you can still enjoy stain causing foods and drinks. Here's a recommend list of healthier resolutions that won't make you suffer:

1-Think positive
Throughout the 365 days, think obvious thoughts, don't let anyone get you down, keep away from negative people, and compliment yourself.

2-De-stress and laugh till your hearts content
Whenever you stress out, your body directly releases, the stress hormone Cortisol that increases the fat deposits on the abdomen as well as the lipid and glucose levels in the bloodstream leading to weight gain.

The laughter therapy has long been known for health benefits. Not only does it put you in a obvious mood throughout the day but also, strengthens your immune system, sends more oxygen to your tissues improving breathing and facilitates your digestion, leaving your muscles relaxed.

3-Be active
Find the type of exercise that makes you feel at ease and practice it at least 3 times a week. Biking, jogging, or walking with your dog are great outdoor activities that can lift even the heaviest spirits. On colder days, try yoga or pilates at home, both are great for toning your body and relaxing your mind.

4-Do not leave home without it
Breakfast is the most leading meal of the day and you don't sell out your daily caloric intake when you skip it. In fact studies have shown that a wholesome breakfast decreases your appetite throughout the day and helps you manage your weight problems. Also, it provides you with adequate vigor to boost your attention span and heightens your sense of well-being.

5-Drink milk everyday
Several studies have shown that milk and yogurt sustain weight loss and enounce bone mass since a glass of milk or yogurt in the morning helps increase satiety and thus decreases the caloric intake by 9% at the next meal. In addition, dieters who had 3 to 4 servings of milk or yogurt while dieting burned more fat compared to their counterparts who didn't.

6-Eat five small meals per day
In order to increase your metabolism and burn more fat you should eat three main meals (Breakfast, lunch, dinner) and contain two snacks in between. One of the crucial things to remember when it comes to losing weight is measure control. The smaller the measure size during each meal, the healthier you will be.

7-Less meat, Less fat
Limit your red meat consumption to once every week or two weeks and eat more vegetables, grains, cereals, fruits and nuts. The American institute for Cancer investigate recommends to limit the meat consumption to 18 ounces per week and to avoid processed meats altogether.

8-Focus on wholesome sweet and salty snacks
Snacking on dark chocolate or nuts, such as almonds increases metabolism and reduces appetite.

9-Add lots of colors
One of the keys to wholesome eating habit is correctly incorporating each food group on your plate: 50% salad, 25% proteins and 25% carbohydrates. Colorful vegetables are not only wholesome for you, but are also filling.
They control hunger so you avoid overeating.

10-Slow down
If you are fast eater, you have probably heard countless times to slow down. Eating gently is important to becoming a wholesome eater. Your brain takes around 20 minutes to send a message to your stomach to tell you to stop eating. If you eat too fast, you are bound to over consume your food, which causes an uncomfortable full feeling.

11-Hara Hachi Bu
The Hara Hachi Bu is a Japanese eating habit derived from the island Okinawa which holds the top rate of longevity in the world. It suggests eating 80% of your or eating till you're 80% full. By applying this habit you be consume less calories, feel more energetic after a meal and will decrease the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.

12-Keep it natural
The only calorie free drink is water and many replace it with fruit juices or carbonated beverages that have tons of sugar. If you don't like the taste of water, try adding some lemon or lime juice, or trying club soda or seltzer water. Carbonated drinks are not good for blood circulation, but once in a while won't harm your body. Drinking at least 8 cups of water is important for staying wholesome and counting the fat in your drinks is essential. A cup of latte holds alone 190 calories, a glass of fruit juice holds between 110 fat and 150 calories, alcoholic beverages caloric amounts vary according to the type of alcohol but they're all in normal very caloric except for the glass of wine that varies between 72 and 86 fat depending on the color! Red wine is good for your heart and blood circulation, so a glass a day is recommended by experts if you are over 30. To counteract the teeth staining effects of red wine and colorful foods, invest in a teeth whitening ideas you can use from the ease of your own home, but get dentist potential results.

13-Eat less covering and cook at home
The hidden amounts of fat and fat inside the dishes you order at dissimilar restaurants ranging from fast food to gastronome restaurants would always remain unknown to you. Focusing more on homemade food would help you control your food intake. Most chefs also cook foods with butter, while at home you would use olive oil. Moreover, diving into the world of cooking doesn't only help you control measure serving sizes but also contemplate the aromas and ingredients of each and every dish you'd be eating and satisfy your appetite before you even begin eating.

14-Sleep does the body good
Sleeping adequate is a basic necessity that will help you lose weight and manage your appetite as it will decrease sweet cravings. A up-to-date study has shown that by the easy fact of sleeping an extra hour per night, you could lose around two pounds per year. an additional one study at Harvard University showed that women who sleep less than 5 hours per night are more likely to be overweight than those who sleep 7 hours and tend to eat twice the portions the next day. Sleep deprivation affects your memory as well, and if you can't fully remember all you ate throughout the day, then you can't fix any bad habits.

To Keep Your Life Bright: Keep Your Body Healthy, Your Foods Colorful and Your Teeth White

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