April 4, 2012

Yogurt development

A protein-rich morning meal to start the day is a cup of yogurt. The list of nutritional benefits in yogurt grows with the increase in study carried out worldwide. You can use cow's milk, goat's or sheep's milk to make yummy yogurt. Consumption of yogurt with live cultures appears to heighten tolerance to lactose in children and adults who cannot discharge lactose. So let's put in order it at home to enjoy all its nutritional benefits.

Basic Yogurt making recipe

Yogurt making is a uncomplicated and right transmit process. Heat the milk a diminutive boiling in low heat, cool the milk to the climatic characteristic at which yoghurt cultures (about 110 degrees F), mix plain yogurt with the milk, and let the combination sit in warm place and rest for any hours. Then you can enjoy the miraculous occasion when you see you've done the yogurt.

All you need is to stay cautious on the climatic characteristic of the entire process of yogurt making. Here I have listed some enchanting recipes to make your yogurt taste better. Continue reading.

Frozen yogurt recipes

You can adopt your desired flavor like vanilla, Peach, strawberry, etc to make the frosty yogurt dessert. Let me tell you how to put in order a vanilla flavored dessert. Concentrate milk, sugar, gelatin, and salt and cook over low heat for 5 minutes to dissolve the gelatin. After cooling it, add vanilla extract, yogurt, and corn syrup. Pour into a bowl and freeze it for 8 hours. You can use ice cream maker to freeze.

Yogurt cheese

Line a colander with two layers of gauze. Mix yogurt, salt, pepper and garlic. Pour it on the gauze-lined colander. Place a strainer into other container on liquid and refrigerate 1-2 days, until all liquid has drained out. Empty the drain pan from time to time, so you can see when the cheese has stopped draining. The cheese gets the flavor of whatever you mix it with. You get pure yogurt cheese with no chemicals or preservatives if you put in order it at home.

Greek Style Yogurt:

It is most coarse in America. What makes it inescapable is its thickness and creamy flavor. Line a medium bowl with a piece of cheese or a clean white towel. Now, pour the boiled milk and yogurt in this regard. Let it sit for a duration of eight hours to allow water to drain. Do not completely drain of the liquid since the yogurt becomes cheese.

Swiss or custard Yogurt:

It is a blend of yogurt with fruits. Custard flavorings can give you a separate taste and it is in most of the grocery shop with other type of yogurts. Add a stabilizer such as gelatin, pectin or agar to steady the consistency of yogurt.

European Yogurt:

It is prepared by pouring hot cultured milk in a large container which is then stirred periodically with a long scoop while in other types you keep it undisturbed. Later you can pour into cups and consume. Add some fruit and other flavorings to serve a European-style yogurt.

Yogurt is a versatile dairy goods that helps in solving digestion problems, yeast infections, lowering of cholesterol and enhances our immune system. Besides these benefits, applying yogurt on the skin can hydrate and make it look younger and elegant.

Yogurt development

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