March 30, 2012

Eat Well! Even If Your Time is Minimal

Yet you can eat well, even if your time is minimal. Just corollary a few golden tips!

We have all thought: "I'll begin to eat better when I have more time". How likely are, however, your responsibilities and obligations to reduce? None. We must therefore find ways to help you eat well here and now. The goal may not be easy, but if you conduct to eat balanced for most of the day, then you succeed. So Start healthy eating by following a few easy tips for breakfast, lunch and dinner to save time.

In the morning

Although we all know morning meal is the most leading meal of the day, This is the first thing we reduce when we don't have the time. But it should be the top priority to you within your daily diet. Agreeing to a Greek research, 50% of Greeks do not eat breakfast, which has an impact on health: Evidence shows that population who skip morning meal have a lower intake of zinc, iron, calcium and fiber. In it addition affects weight, since, in general, population who eat morning meal weigh less and have success in weight loss efforts. How would you conduct to put it in your daily program, without giving too much time?

Firstly it is good to think that you need only 5 minutes to eat breakfast, so the excuse "I do not have time" does not apply. Beyond that, make sure to have in your kitchen; quick morning meal cereals such as bars, cereals, wholemeal bread, turkey, boiled eggs, fresh and dried fruits. Remember to not only eat in 5 minutes but eat a complete breakfast. We recommend one of the following options:

o A bowl of cereal + 1 cup milk 1 fruit
o One slice of cheese + crackers + 1 glass of juice
o A boiled egg 1 slice of bread, dried fruit x 2-3
o A fruit yogurt + muesli bar
o bread + peanut butter or tahini + 1 glass of juice
o A toast with turkey and cheese + 1 banana
o A cereal bar + a fruit + and a handful of nuts

The ideal is to eat at the table, but this is not always feasible. So if you want to save time, you can eat in the car, or even later at your desk. Just remember to take something with you. This may be a piece of fruit with some dried fruit, a cereal bar or toast with cheese. If you do not have time for the mainstream, you can eat foods that are not "morning" like a piece of yesterday's pizza, sandwiches, rice with yogurt, some chicken with bread.

At lunch

You arrived at noon and were hungry like the wolf. The result? To eat what you can find authentically - and fast! A pie on the road, a sandwich in the office, some crisps in the cupboard in the kitchen. Yet. If you eat morning meal and some snacks in between, then your hunger will not be so strong and so will eat a smaller meal. And yet...

When you're at work, often you go for the easiest solution. We recommend smart choices, such as:

o A salad with chicken or eggs or tuna with a slice of wholemeal bread. Good option by the chef's salad or Caesar salad with chicken. Of course, do not forget to ask for the sauce separately and add just 1 - 1 ½ tablespoons
o A sandwich with wholemeal bread which contains plentifulness of vegetables and
low-fat protein such as turkey.
o A piece of meat or fish with a small quantum of oil.
If you are home or plainly do not want to waste money every day to eat outside, then make something quick:
o A prepared salad from the supermarket, where you add chicken, tuna or beans.
o A sandwich with wholemeal bread with turkey, cheese, tomato and lettuce.
o 1-2 pieces of yesterday's spinach.
o A piece of meat with salad and some bread.


Well you did well all day. But the evening is the Achilles heel of most. Here's what to do:

Hunger is the enemy of good eating options. This means that to have energy to cook, you must have eaten something beforehand. So consumed a fruit with a glass of milk before you leave the job. That's sufficient to give you the energy required to put in order a balanced and healthy dinner.

Of course it's not good to order out ever night, but it doesn't need to be all homemade and fresh. For example, frosty seafood, ready-roasted chicken and vegetables and prepared are clean and need minimal time to prepare. Try these easy meals:

o Ready-roasted chicken from the supermarket combined with fresh or frosty vegetables with rice.
o put in order frosty spinach, rice and salad.
o frosty pizza, tomato and cheese, which has added extra tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms.
o omelet with cheese and vegetables with a slice of bread.
o Pasta with tomato sauce prepared in which you add more vegetables and canned beans with a salad.
o Burgers from minced turkey with salad and rice.
o frosty shrimp sauteed and mixed with pasta and oil.

Eat Well! Even If Your Time is Minimal

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