March 8, 2012

Natural Makeup Solutions For Dry Skin

During the winter season more citizen suffer from dry skin. This can manifest itself in the form of flaky skin, dry lips and hair that seems to have a mind of it's own. This is cause by the colder weather and harsh winds. Then when we come home, we come into central heated houses - just the excellent method for dry skin. What you need are some natural skin care treatments. This combined with natural makeup and your skin will be back to soft and silky condition.

What are the natural solutions then?

Olive oil.

Olive oil is a great natural explication for dry skin. It works astonishing as a moisutriser. So why not massage some into your dry cuticles? If you have dry skin patches on your hands or elbows then you will find that this is great. You can also use this to remove makeup, and by doing this you will be moisturising your skin at the same time. A thin layer of olive oil (it must be organic extra virgin) under your moisturiser will also have antioxidant properties.

Yogurt, papaya, and pumpkin as natural exfoliants.

Open your kitchen cupboards, or take a quick visit to the local supermarket and you will probably have most things that you need for production natural exfoliants. One of the best is Greek style yogurt. This works actually well as a mild exfoliant because it doesn't use scrubbing granules, but lactic acid.

You can find plentifulness of options for natural dry skin care in your kitchen, or in the furnish and diary aisles of your supermarket. Yogurt, especially the plain Greek variety, makes an excellent cleanser with a mild exfoliating performance that will remove dry skin and leave you feeling refreshed and comfortable. Gabriel says it's a particularly safe exfoliant for very dry skin because it exfoliates using lactic acid, not scrubbing granules.

Homemade skin scrub.

Let's have a look in the kitchen again! join sugar and olive oil (or any other type of oil that you have) and you can make for yourself a rich and nourishing body scrub for dry skin. You just need to mix equal amounts of fine brown sugar and oil, and rub on using light circular motions.

If you want an extra dose of vitamins and minerals then add a tablespoon of honey. I also sometimes use lemon juice. Afterwards, wash off in a nice warm shower.


Honey has been used for centuries for his astonishing curative properties. It can also be used to cure dry skin. Before going to bed at night apply a exiguous honey (again, must be organic). You can also use honey if you have cracked heels and dry skin on your elbows. Just massage a exiguous in to the affected areas

Natural remedies for dry hair.

In order to return your hair to it's great natural shine try this recipe: Take one egg yolk and mix it fully with a tablespoon of castile soap. Shampoo this into your hair and leave for 5 to 6 minutes. This will help with an itchy scalp and may even prevent hair loss. Someone else great ideas for a hair mask is using avocados. Take one avocado and mix with 2 tablespoons of moderately heated rapeseed and olive oil. Massage this into your hair, cover with a shower cap and leave for 15 minutes. If you have long hair, you might want to double the ingredients.


You are what you eat. In order to feed your skin, you need to take in a permissible diet of vitamins and minerals and drink plentifulness of wather. You can avoid dry skin if your diet is rich in magnesium, contains omega-3, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. The foods that you contin these are dark chocolate (sorry, it's not the case of the more you eat the better your skin will be!), fatty fish like salmon and mackrel, oranges, carrots and mango.

So by production some uncomplicated changes to your diet you can avoid the problems of dry skin. You will also improve your total well-being.

Written by Scott Y Gibson

Natural Makeup Solutions For Dry Skin

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