April 12, 2012

Quick, wholesome & appetizing "Mini-Meals"

I get emails just about every day from readers who are trying to make healthier food choices, but they are having problem sticking with it because they can't stop snacking while the day. I know that many population think that in order to lose belly fat they need to eat boring stuff like chicken breast, brown rice, and broccoli all day, but that is completely false!

There are a ton of meal plan options that are not only healthy, but also yummy and not boring at all. The most leading thing is to keep the meal plan fresh and new so it doesn't get boring.

Having a healthy "mini-meal" in the middle of meals is a good way to keep your cravings under operate and also keep your metabolism burning strong. If you are still eating 2 or 3 big meals per day instead of 5 to 6 small meals this is exactly what you need...a healthy mini-meal to eat in the middle of meals or when you get hungry while the day to help jumpstart your metabolism and curb cravings.

The intuit most population fail to stay on the right track is because they just don't have a plan. They don't bring their meals and snacks to work with them, and then get hungry around 2pm...and then end up hitting up the company vending machine. Sound familiar?

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you don't have a healthy mini-meal or snack close by when you are at work, or out running errands, chances are you will stop at the drive through, corner store, or vending machine and grab some junk food.

Here is a list of a few of my beloved lean body mini-meals that I've used successfully in my own diet that I think you will love. They are simple, quick, easy, healthy, and delicious.

Quick and easy condition mini meals:

-Cottage cheese with sliced berries and/or walnuts

-Raw celery with hummus

-Homemade protein bars

-Apple slices microwaved for 30 seconds and sprinkled with cinnamon

-Protein yogurt (Greek yogurt + protein powder + freezing raspberries)

- Ezekiel toast with almond butter

- Nut & berry mixes (almonds + strawberries, cashews + raspberries, etc)

-A few hard boiled eggs with Mrs Dash Seasoning & or hummus

-Apple slices with almond or cashew butter

-Celery sticks with peanut butter

Building a solid nutritional plan is like climbing a ladder. Start with the first rung (the basics) - and moderately make your way to the top. Remember, the possible combinations and variations of healthy "mini-meal" ideas are limitless. Be creative and experiment to see what you enjoy eating. The private to success is to keep your nutrition plan healthy, fun and exciting!

Quick, wholesome & appetizing "Mini-Meals"

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