March 25, 2012

Natural Recipes for Skin Care

Natural recipes for skin care have been colse to for well over a thousand years with the Romans and Greeks using items such as honey and milk for soft, salutary skin. Hundreds of years ago, Italian women used olive oil to keep their skin wrinkle free and soft. Today, more citizen than ever are concerned about the synthetic ingredients and chemicals in skin care and natural beauty products so are choosing to make their own at home. Natural recipes are easy to follow, reasonable to make, require things you usually have in the kitchen, keep in the fridge for up to a week and you know exactly what is in the homemade natural recipes for skin care products.

Here are some natural recipes that include only natural ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, honey, and milk.

o A cucumber moisturizer will hydrate your face along with removing thorough puffiness, eliminate under eye bags, sell out the appearance of tiny lines, and make your skin feel soft and wonderful. In the natural recipes for skin care directions, puree half a cucumber together with the peel and seeds and use gauze to strain this, keeping the juice. Combine that with three tablespoons of witch hazel, place in a glass jar and store in your refrigerator for up to two or three days. Apply to your face using a cotton ball dipped in the cucumber moisturizer.

o Raw eggs are natural recipes for skin care ingredient that make an perfect face mask that lightly exfoliates your skin and is very inexpensive. Beat two eggs, a diminutive honey and water together and apply to your face. After roughly fifteen minutes use warm water to fully wash your face.

o Plain yogurt makes a splendid skin moisturizer and cleanser. Mix plain yogurt with a diminutive honey and apply this to your face, leaving it on for roughly ten minutes. Remove this with warm water and enjoy your smooth, silky feeling skin.

o To make a gentle exfoliate for your face, mix a quarter cup of milk, half cup of cornmeal, four drops of tea tree oil, one tablespoon of olive oil, and two teaspoons of baking soda into a paste and apply to your face. Leave on for five minutes, use warm water to rinse fully and then pat dry.

Although natural recipes are easy and very reasonable to make, they are indubitably worth their weight in gold when you see the results.

Natural Recipes for Skin Care

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