February 5, 2012

Honey Facial Masks

Everyone knows that honey is a natural sweetener produced by bees, but did you know that honey is also terrific for your skin?

Reviewing ancient Greek culture, we know that retention their skin clear and soft was a high priority. They used honey, as well as olive oil, for cleaning and moisturizing the skin.

Egyptian history informs us that Egyptians used honey as a medicine, applying it to cuts, to preclude bacteria. It is also refers to Cleopatra as using honey in her bath to keep her skin smooth and firm.

Today, most facial masks consist of honey. Honey's natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties serves as a sun block, helps the skin to refresh exhausted skin, production it feel silky-smooth and re-energized. Honey is suitable for every skin type, even those with sensitive skin and acne.

Homemade facial masks are often best for your skin than purchasing expensive items. Not only can you save money when you make the formula at home, you also know that your formula does not consist of preservatives. It is all natural.

Other benefits to establishment face masks at home are you can put together a formula in a few minutes; apply the mask at your convenience and in the relax of your own home. Using a face mask once or twice a week, and being consistent, can make a dissimilarity in the way your skin looks and feels.

A honey face mask is sufficient and easy to make.

Combine honey with one other of the following ingredients until you have a smooth paste (remove seeds, pits and seeds in order to have a smooth mask):
Aloe vera, avocado, carrot, cream cheese, cucumber, lemon, mango, pear, peach, pineapple, strawberries, wheat germ or yogurt.
Apply the combination to your clean face and neck; avoiding the eye area, relax with mask for 15 minutes, and clean off the mask alternating cold and warm water and ending with a splash of cold water.

A advice to get the most benefit out of your honey mask is to use organic ingredients. Also make sure that you always prepare the masks fresh, do not make them in strengthen of use.

Before proceeding with any face mask, it is important to test the ingredients on a patch of your skin. You want to make sure that you will not have an adverse reaction to the ingredients. Normally, if you are able to Ant. Eject an ingredient there should be no adverse reaction on the skin. You do not want to find out after you have applied a mask. If you know you are allergic to something, then you would not want to have that ingredient in your face mask. always best to be safe and test all prior to application.

Enjoy how you feel and look!

Honey Facial Masks

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