February 13, 2012

Eating Smart - For Life!

I know you've all been there. You come home from work and open the fridge and stare blankly inside. Then you shuffle over to the cupboards, open those too and stand there, unblinking and gazing at the contents. But those contents never look tasty do they? Meal time can be a seriously stressful affair that if you're not prepared for; it can lead you down a scary path of cereal for dinner...night after night. (Ok I am a cereal addict but I do feel like I have it under control. Really.)

I've already blogged about the wonder of the Burrito. How you can make up an assembly line of wraps one weekend day and add some spicy beans, cheese and grilled veggies, roll up and pop in the freezer. Take these out the night before and chuck in your lunch bag, or the fridge for a fast snack. I'm also a fan of a pot of rice and beans in the fridge to make up wraps with. Now I vary my combinations to keep it lively; Spanish rice and black beans or Greek rice and pinto beans...it's your choice!

Use a lazy Sunday to whip up a huge batch of homemade pasta sauce and ice it in portions - this way you always have a filling and nutritious pasta sauce waiting and you didn't just crack open the lid on a jar of Ragu; you precisely Made It! While you're cooking that up, make up a pan of lasagna or a big pot 'o chili and again, measure it out and freeze. Meal times are so much easier when you know you've got it covered and let's face it, don't you feel great when your tummy is satisfied?

Go Nuts. Keep nuts on hand for a quick handful as a snack or to throw on top of salads and a stir-fry!

Choose yogurt for a sweet treat after dinner, rather than fat-laden ice cream. Have you checked out the amazing fruit flavor combo's in the yogurt section of your supermarket lately?

Thirsty? Have water first...I had an acupuncture appointment last Thursday and what did the Acupuncturist tell me? Water is life. She seemed so shocked when I told her I didn't drink adequate water as I suspected I should...she asked me why. I replied, "Well, because I don't precisely like the taste..." To which she looked at me sadly and said "Learn to love it. Water is life." So true. I'm wondering how many times I need to be hit over the head with this snippet of needful information before I learn to supervene it.

It's summer time (finally) and personally for me, it's time to embrace the local fruit and veggies this amazing province I live in produces. Last week I feasted on fresh cherries and blueberries...this week it will be strawberries from the Island and new potatoes. Retain the local farmers markets that are in fullness this time of year and relish in the feeling of spending next to nothing for some bags bursting full of Fresh and locally grown jewels.

Until next time, eat well and live happy.


Eating Smart - For Life!

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