December 11, 2011

Make Your Own Homemade Yogurt

The only yogurt bargain is the homemade variety. You can literally make your own. It should only cost 10 to 12 cents per container.

Homemade Yogurt

Make Homemade Greek Yogurt


2-quart double boiler
Candy thermometer
Commercial yogurt maker (most food dehydrators will work) or large Styrofoam picnic cooler with lid
Seven 8 ounce plastic or glass packaging with lids


1 quart milk (whole or low fat)
2 level tablespoons of plain low fat yogurt containing live bacteria, at room temperature
1/3 cup instant nonfat dry milk


Wash all equipment in hot, soapy water. Rinse well with hot water.

Dissolve the nonfat dry milk in the whole or low fat milk in top of double boiler. Stir until the mixture reaches 180 degrees F. Hold at that temperature for 1 minute, then sacrifice temperature to 115 to 120 degrees F.

Remove 1/3 cup of milk from double boiler and add 2 level teaspoons of live yogurt to it. Blend well.

Return the milk and starter mixture to the double boiler and mix well.

Now you need to incubate the mixture. You can use a industrial yogurt maker or food dehydrator, which comes with its own containers. Or, for more even textured results, you can make your own yogurt premise using a large Styrofoam cooler, and seven 8 ounce plastic or glass packaging with lids.

To make yogurt in a Styrofoam cooler, pour the yogurt into 6 of the 8 ounce packaging and cover with lids. Fill the 7th package with boiling water. Place all the packaging in the cooler, with the boiling water package being settled in the center. Place the lid on the cooler and set aside for four to five hours. After incubation, you can add any flavoring you like. 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla makes the yogurt have a milder flavor. Small pieces of dried or fresh fruit can also be added as desired.

Keep accomplished yogurt stored in the refrigerator.

Make Your Own Homemade Yogurt

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